Overall Wellness: Energy, Strength, Mobility

Our Promise:  Energy to do what excites you. 

One of the best anti-aging drugs is exercise.

Life can be stressful at any age and getting older can magnify this reality. This is why we want to help people cope with the demands of their life with the appropriate levels of energy, strength, and mobility.   

Many will wake up one day and say: “Wow, I really feel age creeping up on me. I don’t feel as strong or able anymore.”.  Science will show that a good hedge against aging is good and well-sustained exercise. We work with you to bring energy to the stage and situation you’re in. 

Common Client Issues 

  • Low energy declines midday 

  • Decreased mobility and muscle tightness 

  • Low stamina; easily tired 

  • Feeling groggy; difficulty in staying focused

  • Difficulty to do sports I love  

  • Recommended by doctor 

Get a program tailor-made to fit your life and your goals not someone else’s. 

Because each person’s schedule, diets, sleep and stress are different their energy and mobility needs are different too.  We invest the time in understanding your body and your situation so we can help bring more energy to your life.  

We will design a program that might be not just for a physical look or movement goals but for an overall feeling that makes our clients live life with vitality.  

Check out the Atlas Difference to see how we work with clients to lose fat sustainably.  Or book a free consultation now. 

“As the years went on, more and more of my friends would not show up at the Golf Course because they felt they could not play anymore.  They would rather stay home or just go to the mall.  I never wish to stop playing golf now that I’m in my retirement years – I can finally be around nature and take it slow for a change.  

The training I do at Atlas is helping me with my golf game by building both strength and mobility.  I wake up feeling great and I’m actually improving my golf game as I get older. On the personal side, when my wife and I make travel plans, hiking, lots of walking and the outdoors remain to be options for us.  We don’t want to be that couple on a cruise who just stays on the ship.”  – Francis, 75, retired entrepreneur

Free consultation and physical assessment!

We are curious about you! Visit us for a free consultation and physical assessment. Here we will discuss your goals and do light physical movements in order for both you and us to understand where you are at. Expect newfound clarity and leave with confidence.

Scientific, to-the-point and no strings attached!

What’s in it for you?

  • Better understanding of your body

  • Discovering root causes

  • Learn specific first steps you can take

  • Get a taste of what to expect in your training