Strength & Conditioning

 Our Promise: The work you do in the gym leads to a stronger life outside the gym.

“We don’t live to lift.  We lift so we can truly live!” 

At Atlas Fitness, we believe that true fitness extends far beyond the walls of the gym. Our bespoke Strength and Conditioning Program is designed to not only help you achieve your fitness goals but also to enhance your performance and well-being in every aspect of your life. Strength and Conditioning is about developing the physical and mental strength to face challenges and engage in sports or everyday activities with confidence and resilience.

Common Client Issues:

  • Not enough endurance for my life or sport 

  • Can’t get to the next level because of my level of strength (sports) 

  • Body not longer feels stable in activities I love to do 

  • I feel weak and lethargic; lose energy mid-day 

  • I need extra energy so I can do everyday tasks without feeling depleted

Here's how our Strength and Conditioning Program can empower you both inside and outside the gym:

1. Functional Fitness for Everyday Life:

Our bespoke programs can focus on functional movements that mimic real-life activities. By training your body to perform movements like squatting, lifting, pushing, and pulling correctly, you'll not only see improvements in your gym performance but also in your daily activities. Whether it's carrying groceries, playing with your kids, or tackling household chores, you'll notice physical tasks get easier and you reduce the risk of injury.

2. Enhanced Athletic Performance:

For athletes, a Strength and Conditioning Program can be a game-changer. We tailor our training to your specific sport or activity (such as running, golf, tennis or others) emphasizing the development of power, speed, agility, and endurance. Whether you're a competitive athlete or just enjoy recreational sports, our program will help you excel in your chosen field and give you that extra edge.

3. Injury Prevention:

Building a strong foundation in the gym can significantly reduce the risk of injuries both in sports and everyday life. Our bespoke programs are designed to support your everyday tasks, sports and activities so you can do them well and safely so that you minimize the chances of strains, sprains and common injuries.   

4. Mental Resilience and Confidence:

Strength and conditioning training not only transforms your physique but also enhances mental fortitude. As you set and achieve fitness goals, you'll develop a sense of accomplishment, self-discipline, and determination that will spill over into other areas of your life. And after a long day at work, our program can be a great way to uncoil and de-stress thus allowing you to come home in better shape.

“I am not what you would call a powerlifter but I do like lifting heavy things.  I do not have a certain goal on how heavy I can lift.  As long as I can add a bit more each time, I’m happy.  Unlike others who might have a sport where they keep score or chase times, I find joy in being able to move heavy things in the gym.  At Atlas, they have all the equipment for me to go heavier and coaches help me do what I love doing in a safe manner.” - Marcelo

Free consultation and physical assessment!

We are curious about you! Visit us for a free consultation and physical assessment. Here we will discuss your goals and do light physical movements in order for both you and us to understand where you are at. Expect newfound clarity and leave with confidence.

Scientific, to-the-point and no strings attached!

What’s in it for you?

  • Better understanding of your body

  • Discovering root causes

  • Learn specific first steps you can take

  • Get a taste of what to expect in your training